Friday, November 26, 2010

Saints Haven Branch Witnessing Weekend Nov 19-21, 2010

Saints Haven Restoration Branch priesthood organized a meaningful weekend of fellowship and sharing the hope of the Kingdom with missed, but not forgotten, members. Friday evening, November 19th, the branch met in prayer to support the efforts of the priesthood activities that would follow on Saturday, November 20th. There was a rich presence of the Holy Spirit that directed our worship; in particular, the tender prayers of our sisters were rich in spirit.

Saturday morning found seventeen priesthood meeting as we were led in worship and preparation for the day's ministries. After discussion of families to visit and the assigning of teams, we left under the direction of the good spirit and with an eagerness to share our testimonies of the Lord's active hand in the work of His church. Not knowing where seeds will take root and when fruit will be born, each team rejoiced both in
the opportunity to witness as well as being strengthened in our fellowship as brothers, laboring, as the common cause of the kingdom drew us closer to each other.

Our evening was blessed as the branch met and shared a common meal of thanksgiving for the rich repose of our Heavenly Father.

Our weekend concluded Sunday morning with the preaching of the district missionary coordinator.
In gospel bonds,
Seventy Jim McKay

Monday, November 15, 2010

Prayers needed.

Please remember Gary and Sandy Whiting and their family in your prayers. Their son Brad died suddenly on Sunday, November 14.